Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Goal

I'm writing this to talk about things that happen in the life of a young mom. And also other people can share their stories, and I can feel like maybe I'm not alone in this great big world trying to raise two young men.I'm twenty-three, with a five year old and a three year old, meaning I was pregnant at seventeen.When I stand still and close my eyes, I can see everything in my life just going by, then one day I realized, I have to make an impact. OK your thinking, you have two children Is raising them not impact enough. Not just raising them but how they are raised. I have two boys, my two young men. They are completely different. Looking back at my upbringing, I have exceeded my expectations. We all say I am going to raise my kids different. Sometimes I resort back, and catch myself saying or doing things that remind me of my mother, but I take that and combine it with my own technique.Regardless of how young I was when I became a mom, there was a choice I had to make. For me the choice was to be the best mom I could be, and to think about how my choice is going to affect my child. At the time I did not realize how much my life was changing. Before I knew it my oldest was in preschool, and everything that happened in our lives was shaping the man he would grow up to be. The world we live in today, we can not afford to just let t.v. and other children take over our role in molding their little minds. The Goal is to open up the communication with your child, and deal with the daily reminder that they are forever growing, and never too young to talk to.